Reclaimed Rubber: A Durable Outdoor Flooring Option
Reclaimed rubber, like recycled rubber, is an eco-friendly variation of rubber that is made up of repurposed vehicle tires. If you look at vehicle tires, they are extremely durable in the face of extremely abrasive environments. Tires grind up against the rough surface of concrete every time a vehicle is in use. Despite this, they are able to retain their traction and durability without suffering too much damage from the roads or outdoor environmental factors. Additionally, they are able to retain its traction even in wet weather and on wet pavement. These qualities are mirrored in the performance of reclaimed rubber products.

Reclaimed rubber is produced through a process called vulcanization. Vulcanization is a process where scrape tire rubber is heated up with sulfur to meld the pieces of rubber together to form one larger sheet of rubber. Because they are melded together, reclaimed rubber has a more solid finish than recycled rubber allowing it to withstand more moisture. Furthermore, reclaimed rubber is an eco-friendly variation of rubber. Since rubber is a non-biodegradable material, it is often left to sit in a landfill indefinitely taking up space. By repurposing these scrap pieces of rubber, we are aiding in the effort to create a cleaner environment and reduce the amount of non-biodegradable materials going into our landfills.

Because reclaimed rubber is made from vehicle tires, reclaimed rubber products inherit the tires’ durability and resistance to environmental factors. This makes reclaimed rubber the ideal rubber variation for outdoor use. Like tires, reclaimed rubber is resistant to the damaging effects of harsh UV rays, ozone and abrasive and wet weather conditions. Reclaimed rubber will not deteriorate or fade in color if left out in the sun for extended periods of time and will inhibit the growth of harmful organic byproducts such as mold and mildew. Available in matting rolls and interlocking tiles, their durability and weather-resistant qualities make reclaimed rubber one of the best options for outdoor flooring.